MENU (draft) for Dr Ron Knott's Maths pages

Maths pages for fun, resource for teachers, for those left behind by maths at school, or those wanting something more than school maths.
The individual maths pages are grouped under the topics shown here. Almost all the pages contain online interactive Calculators to make your own explorations easier.

This is an experimental format so comments by email are welcome
and the former menu is still available too.

Welcome to 2025!
A new page on the number magic of 2025 is now live
Have a look at Herschel's Perpetual Calendar which you can print and easily shows any date for any day in any year with notes about different Calendars

Click on a topic link with ▼ to unfold a list of the pages on that topic.
Click on a topic link with ▲ to fold up the sub-menu links.

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Fibonacci and related Numbers
The Fibonacci numbers are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... yet appear in the fruit and veg you eat. How? Why?
How to find Fibonacci(n) using Binet's formula
How to find Fibonacci from powers of Phi
Number of digits in Fibonacci(n)
Is N a Fibonacci Number?
Nearest Fibonacci number
Fibonacci number Digit sums
Fibonacci number factors
Fibonacci Number Remainders
Fibonacci series decimals to Fraction
The fast Fibonacci number trick
Pythagorean triangles from Fibonacci series
Fibonacci sums

The first 300 Fibonacci numbers and factors
The first 200 Lucas Numbers factorised

General Fibonacci Series
General Fibonacci Series
Formula for G(a,b,i)
Wythoff and Fibonacci Representations
Stolarski Array
Find the longest Gen Fib series with n
Compute G(a,b,i)

Fibonacci series decimals to Fraction
The fast Fibonacci number trick

The Golden section: Phi
The golden section numbers appear in nature too and in the most symmetric 3D solids. They are
0·61803 39887... = phi = ϕ and
1·61803 39887... = Phi = Φ = 1 + phi = 1/phi
Find Phi using + and / only
Finding Phi using + and sqrt
Finding Phi using + number and 1/x
Convert to Base phi
Powers and multiples of Phi
Rounding Phi
The Mancala Game
The first 200 dps of Phi

Integers: Primes and Factors
Integers: Number Bases
Integers: Figurate (Polygonal) Numbers
Integers: Runs and sums

Triangles & trig

Other Maths

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Resources for Teachers and school students
GCSE & A-level resources and self-tests

Maths Games

Each icon is a link to lists of other Award winning sites that opens in a new window. Check them out!
Intute: formerly EEVL
Games and fun for everyone
MERLOT classic Award 2003
Eisenhower National ClearingHouse:
Exploratorium Ten Cool Sites:
'Surfing the Net with Kids' 5 star site.
Scout Report:
Science Master:
Education Planet:
Knot of Braids

Hosted by the Mathematics Dept at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Ron Knott,
Created 1 August 2023; updated: 2 January 2025